Aade lc meter. The frequency therefore it is f1 = 550 kHz.

Aade lc meter. It arrived in 5 days and performed correctly.

Aade lc meter arduino internal xtal is callibrated to 2ppm with Rigol DS1054Z hardware freq counter, used to be 500ppm off Download AADE Filter Design V4. Randy Says: September 11th, 2010 at 11:09 am . http://www. The oscillator design originally came from the AADE LC meter web page. Das fünfte Relais schaltet während der Nullpunktkalibrierung (bei der man natürlich keinen Prüfling angeschlossen haben darf) den Referenz-Kondensator C4 zu. I find that I use it very often. They will work just as well. The frequency therefore it is f1 = 550 kHz. 28uH air-core coils and the result looked something like this:-And the actual filter response now looked like this:-~ 0. Da die SIL-Relais nur einfache Schalter haben, brauche ich dafür 4 Stück. Joined Nov 14, 2005 Messages 457 Helped 77 My good friend John VK6JY in Albany, WA made some further LED measurements in both forward and reverse modes, using his AADE LC-meter kit. This week there was something a bit more special waiting for than the usual component shipment or two: Setting up the temporary workspace. It continually talks about opamps then moves on to simulating with ideal opamps. 55 µH. Joined Sep 17, 2006 Messages 1,681 Jun 6, 2016 · The problem with the AADE/LC100-A style LC meters is that they are only accurate for near-ideal components. Sesuai dengan pengakuan dari VK3BHR, rangkaian ini dimodifikasi dari LC Meter AADE yang sebelumnya menggunakan PIC 16F84 dan Oscillator LM311, kemudian dimodif untuk memanfaatkan PIC 16F628 namun masih menggunakan LM311, terakhir dimodif kembali tanpa menggunakan LM311, karena keberadaan IC ini digantikan dengan internal comparator (sejenis Op Apr 24, 2013 · It owes much of it’s design to the AADE LC meter that relies on the oscillation of a standard Analog Comparator using a capacitor and a coil. Parks. The mounting holes for banana plugs are spaced 1. The meter worked first time as soon as I connected the battery and it does everything as designed. Here we are in 2007 and the distinguished David VK6DI, who knows that I am fortunate to own an AADE LC Meter, requested some further measurements on LED's. This version uses an atmega AVR and a 1. It uses an LM311 comparator with positive feedback, working as a parallel LC oscillator with digital output. It seems like a relatively accurate instrument, and the price is right—$100 for a kit, $130 for an assembled unit. The inductors have an unloaded Q of about 200. Hopefully, it follows the "well known formula for resonant frequency". Varicap diodes (varactors) Written by Hans Summers Tuesday, 01 September 2009 04:18 - Last Updated Wednesday, 04 January 2012 13:42 Dave sent in some detailed measurements investigating the variable capacitance of three slightly less usual LED's which haven't been tested before (that I know of): White, Infra-red (IR) and Ultra-violet (UV). Also, if you have one of these Chinese transistor checkers, it does a great job for caps. There was one 2. I added an adapter to allow me to measure capacitors and coils with out having to touch the binding posts. I do not expect that connecting an unknown L or C ( the DUT ) would *increase* this freq. (AADE) LC meter. aade. Oct 9, 2014 · LC-meter kits - Page 1. Priced at $129 it cannot be beat, not even by MUCH more expensive meters. I have a copy of his source assembly code, that he gave out, dated 1995. Navigate to a group Dec 25, 2019 · Then there is the VK3BHR LC-Meter V2 by Phil Rice, if you prefer to DIY. Apr 15, 2022 · An LC meter is a handy tool for any electronics hobbyist. The use can be seen at Quick overview of a low-cost inductor/capacitor meter for hobbyist work. For repair, ESR is a much better indicator of how healthy electrolytics are. Everything was nicely packed Varicap diodes (varactors) Written by Hans Summers Tuesday, 01 September 2009 04:18 - Last Updated Wednesday, 04 January 2012 13:42 Dave sent in some detailed measurements investigating the variable capacitance of three slightly less usual LED's which haven't been tested before (that I know of): White, Infra-red (IR) and Ultra-violet (UV). Connect the varactor diode to be tested to the header strip, connect a Nov 9, 2017 · The original AADE LC meter used an LM311 as the oscillator section and . ), mit einem „richtigen“ LCR-Meter verglichen, das den komplexen Widerstand eines Bauteils bestimmt? Mar 20, 2021 · Hallo, nach der Simulation hier noch die Messungen am realen Objekt. It arrived in 5 days and performed correctly. This means that ceramic or film caps should work well, new electrolytics less so, and old electrolytics that might have a high ESR or high leakage will be Sesuai dengan pengakuan dari VK3BHR, rangkaian ini dimodifikasi dari LC Meter AADE yang sebelumnya menggunakan PIC 16F84 dan Oscillator LM311, kemudian dimodif untuk memanfaatkan PIC 16F628 namun masih menggunakan LM311, terakhir dimodif kembali tanpa menggunakan LM311, karena keberadaan IC ini digantikan dengan internal comparator (sejenis Op Use the ohm meter to measure the contact resistance of the relay. Separate Bilder, da ich mit den Klemmhaken schlecht an das IC gekommen bin. Nov 14, 2014 · LC meter notes 1 by G4KGP. Oct 31, 2014 · Which gave series inductance of 0. Podcast; Latest With the discussion of the L/C meter. I also recorded the dial readings for the calculated values of capacitance for each band. The TI employee cannot derive a formula for the oscillation frequency. Bob and all, I would echo your praise for the Peak Atlas meters. gl/ryuB6u https://goo. This solution is an attempt to take Kerry Wong’s Arduino implementation and simplify it a bit and to make use of latching relay for mode selection. You might try building the oscillator section from the AADE LC meter design: https: lc-meter \n. 7pF - clearly <10pF is the limit for this device. Twelve kits were available and they went fast. Aaron D. For larger caps it measures ESR for help in looking at electrolytic caps. Better save by not drinking few Starbuks next week and get an proper meter. I'm very impressed with the whole package. Connect the adapter to the LC meter. Assy vids look straight forward enough, but do I need an LC meter to Oct 12, 2008 · The oscillator design originally came from the AADE LC meter web page. On Friday, November 10, 2017, 9:53:55 AM EST, 'Steve Dick' sbdick@ [qrp-tech] wrote: On Friday, November 10, 2017, 9:53:55 AM EST, 'Steve Dick' sbdick@ [qrp-tech] wrote: Feb 28, 2012 · Hi all, I have just ordered for myself a kit for AADE's LC meter, and was reading through the instruction manual to get a hang of what's involved to get it together. Introduction Several DIY meters are available on the web. AADE LC Meter Seorang hombrewer elektronika yang bekerja di Radio Frekuensi (RF) tentu merasa ada yang kurang bila belum memiliki alat ukur lilitan (induktor) dan kapasitor, bahkan tidak jarang diantaranya mengurungkan niat untuk mencoba rangkaian RF yang didalamnya terdapat komponen induktor dengan nilai sekian-sekian uH (micro Henry). I have the AADE, and also the Peak Atlas LCR40 (cost about $100), The oscillator design originally came from the AADE LC meter web page. This is the AADE L/C Meter IIB. 5dB passband ripple! Varactor adaptor kit for AADE LC meter Ken. ctrl + g :. Now, we share our passion by helping others. I have big frequency swing like modulation or something similar. The oscillator design originally came from the AADE LC meter web page. At this coming Wednesday HB meeting, I will have available kits for the AADE LC meter. After 10 years in the industry, we decided to alter direction. low D (ESR) and low leakage. All Messages By This Member #140191 All, Ok, so the solution to this turned out to be unexpected. 1年くらい前に買って作ってなかったLCメーター "L/C Meter IIB"を作ってみました。 Almost Digirtal Electronicsという妙な名前の会社 . Today, however, I just received a press release from Agilent (the company that used to be Hewlett Packard), touting two new LCR meters – the U1731A and U1732A. This LC Meter is an improved version of the late NEIL HECKT AADE L/C Meter. 2pF cap left over from the set and the LC meter measured it at 4. 11. 11. Software has been re-written by Bruce Hall W8BH and has a beeper that emits Morse code Messages. I got a 10nF 1% polystyrene capacitor and used it as an external dependable reference, but any value will do, try to find an exemplar of low tolerance, 1% or even better. End of video is cut off. Author Topic: VIDEO - AADE LC Meter (Read 1611 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. Adjusting that may make up for some degradation in the LCD display. May 18, 2008 · anyone have source code or hex code for AADE lc meter pic 16c622? May 18, 2008 #4 pakitos Advanced Member level 1. Ranny, Feb 28, 2012 · I have just ordered for myself a kit for AADE's LC meter, and was reading through the instruction manual to get a hang of what's involved to get it together. LC Meter from AADE. I really love the backlit display, something that I wanted in the AADE. Maximum values are around 150 mH / 1. That's pushing it, even for the AADE meter. And I think it tops out at 2uF. I’ll try to answer your question about the aade lc meter. Almost All Digital Electronics L/C Meter IIB Neil Heckt · Specifications Range. a search for lm-16151 on eBay returned nothing. anyone have source code or hex code for AADE lc meter pic 16c622? May 19, 2008 #2 blueroomelectronics Advanced Member level 5. When I made the LC meter the first time, I've built it only as inductance meter; that was because I already have a commercial Capacitance meter and wanted avoid stray inductance-capactance due to switch, more cable etc, but there wasn't big differences so I've added back the C-meter. 01 pF and inductors with a 1nH resolution. I built a little single band SDR radio a couple of years ago to get my feet wet with surface mount components (SMDs) It was a lot of soldering with a real fine tip soldering iron and a really strong magnifying glass. Besides the Arduinos and other silliness, I have a SoftRock RX kit. response time of at least 1000nS 2. The project is well know on the net because selled by AADE; Oct 16, 2020 · Das AADE-LC-Meter benutzte einen Doppel-Umschalter für das Umschalten zwischen L- und C-Messung. Disclaimer - apart from being a satisfied user I have no commercial relationship whatsoever with Almost All Digital Electronics (AADE) and I have paid the full advertised price for my LC Meter kit. The microprocessor that I use cannot measure frequencies above a couple of hundred ki-lohertz, and so the frequency is divided by 100 before being counted. 46 | Microsoft VP Marcus Fontoura on Architecting Azure, the “World’s Computer” 0:00 / 0:00. The attachment LC Meter from AADE. The cost of the kit was $11. 06, 2010 There is a really nice Inductance/Capacitance Meter available from aade (Almost All Digital Electronics). The W8BH LC Meter uses an ATmega328P-PU microcontroller which can be programmed in the Arduino IDE. 6 out of 5 stars The AADE L/C Meter IIB is one handy device to have around the shack. co The oscillator design originally came from the AADE LC meter web page. I do mostly hobby electronics, and I rarely have to test more than a few components, so accuracy is more important than speed. If you want a good LC meter that isn't too ridiculously overpriced, I've been very happy with my AADE LC-IIB. If you have the money for a DE-5000, it's a much better value, since it makes true (phase-sensitive) LCR measurements. Or, there is Title: Selfmtre Capacimtre LC Meter 1 Selfmètre / CapacimètreLC Meter Mesure F6AZZ F1JKY 2 SOMMAIRE - Quel appareil choisir pour la HF ? Gamme minimale 1 pF, 1 nH Revue des catalogues Caractéristiques, Niveaux de prix - Appareils à une fonction C ou L - Appareils à deux fonctions C et L - Appareils à trois fonctions Pont RLC - Le LC Aug 29, 2003 · Ep. AADE design LC meter \n. It is head and shoulders in features above the AADE and uses an IC set specifically designed for LCR meters. Any advertising benefit which might be derived by AADE on this page is by way of compensation for presenting an interesting electronic project for Mar 3, 2009 · A lot of hams swear by the AADE LC Meter. L is the shock of 82 µH and C it is the capacitor of 1000 pF. At the upcoming HB meeting Wednesday February 21 , I will have 12 additional kits available for the AADE LC meter at a cost of $12. Don't have any suggestions on specific equipment, I own an AADE LC (no R) meter mainly intended for RF parts. In his first post he wrote about the physical side of the design, like box quality, buttons, etc. 5 uFd) The AADE L/C Meter IIB is one handy device to have around the shack. 28uH with parallel capacitance of 75pF. Nov 11, 2017 · I would guess that the MLC-500 LC Meter is an AADE copy and should be similar. 1 AADE design LC meter. Consequently, I can't provide any support for it whatsoever. EEVblog Electronics Community Forum. It's a fine meter, was fairly easy to build, and is very easy to use. The inductor and the Colpitts capacitors are chosen so that f 0 is about 7 MHz, midway between the frequen-cies of the crystals to be measured. In this case the reading values Sep 10, 2023 · Hi! Angesichts meiner beiden gefundenen RM14-Kerne, deren Kerneigenschaften mir zunächst komplett unbekannt waren, ist mir aufgefallen, daß mir ein Messgerät für Induktivitäten fehlt. They are very good, and very handy. 5% tolerance (1020pF in their model). slew rate of > 5V/uS Where does the 339 fail? I have not had an issue with my AADE fading however, there is an internal contrast control pot (a single-turn vertical trimmer). Nov 27, 2019 · If you want a simple oscillator/frequency counter LC meter like the AADE, you can buy one of the Chinese products like the "LC200A" or the "secohmmeter" cheaply on eBay. Feb 22, 2012 · This type of LC meter is commonly available on eBay for ~40 USD and boasts 1-5% accuracy. working the an oscillator parallel LC with digital exit. 25” on-center to match the original AADE meters. I'm sure someone will think 1 and 2% capacitors from the junk box are not really good enough:-) 73 Alan G4ZFQ Well, I recently came across the L/C Model IIB meter made by Almost All Digital Electronics (AADE) and after using it in the lab for a week I am in love! This meter is quite inexpensive and simple, but amazingly accurate and useful. The LC200A is my daily use meter for L/C measurements. New Listing Useful LC100-A Digital Capacitance Meter High Precision Capacitance Meter Tester Well, I recently came across the L/C Model IIB meter made by Almost All Digital Electronics (AADE) and after using it in the lab for a week I am in love! This meter is quite inexpensive and simple, but amazingly accurate and useful. arduino internal xtal is callibrated to 2ppm with Rigol DS1054Z hardware freq counter, used to be 500ppm off. Contribute to bhall66/LC-meter development by creating an account on GitHub. of 503. Auch kleinste Kapazitäten und Induktivitäten können damit gemessen werden und der Bau von Schwingkreisen und Filtern ist ein Kinderspiel. Experienced, Personal Consulting. It uses an LM311 comparator with positive feedback to make a parallel LC oscillator with digital output. derived measured values from counting frequency of oscillation with the . 010 pF to 1 mFd (most units measure to 1. What’s up? John Thames Says: April 3rd, 2011 at 4:39 pm . Nov 11, 2017 · I am biased however, I have my trusty ole AADE as well as the DE-5000, the DE-5000 does everything the AADE and quite a bit more. A quick check of eBay for 16x1 LCD's gets 100+ returns one of which is likely the same physical size as the lm-16151 but you will have to do some comparing of dimensions to be sure. I wound the coils and then measured them with an AADE LC meter, finding an inductance of 1. The use can be seen at The AADE L/C Meter IIB is one handy device to have around the shack. 5 uF. I have tested it using commercially available RF chokes ranging from 0. It arrived in 3 days, but it was a "infant mortality" unit, as sometimes happens with new electronic products. Being a homebrew ameture and a recycler of electronic components, I decided to buy the L/C Meter IIB kit and build it. Requires a couple SMT devices, but am almost fully geared up fer that. The DPDT switch at far left, rearranges the circuit so it resonates the unknown inductor with a known capacitor, OR it resonates the unknown capacitor with a known inductor. I used the very accurate AADE LC meter to measure the value of the capacitor at every 5 divisions of the dial. 01 pF L/C Meter IIB works by measuring the shift in frequency caused by inserting an unknown into it's oscillator tank circuit. THE PROJECT OF THE OSCILLATOR CAME FROM THE PAGE OF LC meter OF AADE It use the comparator LM311 with positive feedback. There are ready-built devices which you can purchase, but whats the fun in that? You can make your own meter for less money and with better accuracy. Das Bild des AADE LC-Meter ist nicht von heute. Inductance and Capacitance Meter Technical Manual by G4HUP A Surprisingly Accurate Digital LC Meter by Phil Rice VK3BHR Digital LC Meter Version 2 by Phil Rice VK3BHR LC Meter Project and Kit by Neil Heckt of AADE (Almost All Digital Electronics) Feb 3, 2021 · Hi all, I am making the LC meter V2 designed by VK3BHR Phil RIce. I recently built an LC meter that is based on the famous AADE design. Well - he does kinda give a formula: Yes Jul 20, 2010 · I think I should link to some of the designs - as not everyone knows about the AADE meter. One thing I noticed as I was going through the parts list is that the design consisted of a pair of 2 capacitors, C2a and C2b, of which the total capacitance is vital to the operation of this thing. I hesitated on buying this meter for years, instead relying on my other favorite tool my MFJ-259B. I found that the The digital capability could lead LC meter which was calculating L or C value from the basic capacitor's capacitance by solving correlated equation from the oscillation frequency number. It is based on the AADE LC Meter by Neil Hecht, who passed away in 2015. gl/uu2aZS There are also many instructional articles on-line for building your own LC Küsi kõike, mis on seotud mikroprotsessorite ja nende programmeerimisega So I temporarily mounted a counter dial on the subpanel and made a calibration chart for the capacitor. Read More Dave G7UVW measures less usual LED's. 0. testers. I contacted Neil, performed a simple test that he directed over the telephone, and Neil asked me to return the meter for repair. AADE design LC meter Jan 17, 2017 · As works the lc meter with pic 16f84 or 16f628. It's much quicker than my Sencore LCR Meter and it's constantly updating the display so you can check variable capacitors and inductors over their operating ranges as well. References. It comes as a kit and takes a couple of hours to build. Full scale is 1 uF, so 1 pF is 1 part per million. The tuning capacitors in the filter, C T, are 325 pF while the coupling capacitor is 8. make your own meter for less money and with better accuracy. between a few kHz to ~1Mhz at the max ( = 1uS or 1000nS ) For a 5V logic, this requires a comparator having : 1. 5% Accuracy, Digital Multimeter Tester with OLED Display, Tester for SMD, ESR, Resistor, Capacitor, Inductance, Voltage, Frequency, Diode 4. It should NOT be ZERO. Oct 1, 2014 · Simple MCU based LC meter « on: October 01, 2014, 11:08:15 am » After digging for an inductance meter design on the internet and running mostly into the same design using an the inductor under test as part of an oscillator and not liking the idea of using another inductor (not really a precision component) in series with the inductor to be Hi George, I recommend the AADE-LC-Meter, because it works well with small iductivities and condensors. I'm sure someone will think 1 and 2% capacitors from the junk box are not really good enough:-) 73 Alan G4ZFQ Feb 14, 2005 · l9 meter wiring I made LC-meter similar to AADE design but I have problem with stability. Maximum Resolution: 1 nHy / . However, I also have a DER DE-5000 which cost about the same as the AADE did when it was available. They are excess to my needs and they all work good. Sure, Larry. Un selfmètre HF ou comment mesurer la valeur d'une bobine haute frequence COMELEC En connectant une self HF quelconque, bobinée sur air ou avec support et noyau, aux bornes d’entrée de ce montage, on pourra prélever, sur sa prise de sortie, un signal HF fonction de la valeur de la self. The ohm meter may get "upset" by the LC meter's oscillator and display some random value, but that is OK. Applying "Test Link 1" to Select Test Frequency F2; Use the ohm meter to measure the contact resistance of the relay. I will be getting one of the cheaper barebone LC100s and will test that similarly. Show all keyboard shortcuts. The important parameters such as ESR and parasitic inductance cannot be Jan 28, 2013 · There's no range switching in the AADE front-end. Erst ohne C, dann mit 1 µF C. It can count up to 65535 so as AADE´s LC meter has the maximum frequency of around 700kHz fo the oscillator, you just count on TMR1 for just 10 ms (7000 pulses) and make the calculations with a frequency 100 times smaller. Contribute to ikatkov/lc-meter development by creating an account on GitHub. unmarked parts, or matching). As a part of the effort in building a small and portable electronics lab, I’ve been visiting the local post office frequently of late. Turn on the LC meter and zero and/or calibrate it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Kits have really chgnaed too. 01 pF or so Nov 22, 2022 · A cheap alternative LC meter that claim to measure up to 500 KHz is MLC500. Good resolution down to 0. lc meter pic16f876a About FCL Buev has to be remark following diference from typical AADE work[as are presented by Buev]: -AADE metod has an inconvenient regard to measuring big value of inductors[bigger than 10 mH] with an increasing value of self capacitance. Steve, The AADE uses a 16x1 lcd Sharp lm-16151 which uses the very common HD44780 controller. Oct 22, 2009 · The version of the AADE L/C meter I linked to (LC PIC meter) does have an enhanced range compared to the original: "1 nH to 150 mH, 0. The shows that it uses a single comparator IC (LM311) for both inductance and capacitance measurement. It has very good accuracy, 1% or better in most cases. You won't be able to use the meter's nulling feature because you won't be able to move your hands to press the button without changing the baseline reading. Jun 18, 2013 · To set the trimmer, just a known precision capacitor is needed. How I ever got along with out it is beyond me. https://goo. Read More Rectifier diodes as varicaps. Sesuai dengan pengakuan dari VK3BHR, rangkaian ini dimodifikasi dari LC Meter AADE yang sebelumnya menggunakan PIC 16F84 dan Oscillator LM311, kemudian dimodif untuk memanfaatkan PIC 16F628 namun masih menggunakan LM311, terakhir dimodif kembali tanpa menggunakan LM311, karena keberadaan IC ini digantikan dengan internal comparator (sejenis Op Nov 11, 2017 · I would guess that the MLC-500 LC Meter is an AADE copy and should be similar. The AADE L/C Meter IIB It measures capacitors with a resolution of 0. Apr 21, 2012 · I'm still a rank newb, but have dived right in. Those cheep chinese component testers to not handle components with only some few nanohenry oder picofardad. Introduction Mar 3, 2009 · A lot of hams swear by the AADE LC Meter. A PIC16C61 micro-controller measures the frequency before and after. LC100A Mesure Selfmètre / Capacimètre LC Meter F 6 AZZ & F 1 JKY . Even a bargain-bin DMM will happily measure voltage, current, and resistance; check co… Nov 18, 2018 · Neil Hecht passed away three years ago, and on his AADE website, the LC meter is shown discontinued. I would use the MFJ with the of the LM311 it is possible to build an LC meter that is similar to the AADE unit but with less parts count because the oscillator can be inside the PIC. Parasitics will quickly degrade the measurement. Feb 14, 2006 · Re: Why not the LM339 instead of LM311 in AADE LC Meter clon I am not sure it is very useful. L/C Meter Il is intended to measure inductors and capacitors "out of the circuit". Mar 6, 2010 · 3 Responses to “Building the AADE LC Meter” Ansor Says: November 20th, 2014 at 8:24 am . I substituted 75pF for a standard value of 82pF and with a bit of help from the AADE LC meter (fantastic tool this!) built some 0. 001 mHy (1 nHy) to 100 mHy (most units measure to 150 mHy). L AADE design LC meter. No resistance measurement, though. Relatively decent meters are in the 2-300 $ range and the kits are also almost there . The adaptor is capable of measuring capacitance of varactors. It seems to oscillate readily over a wide range of L and C values. 29kHz. The other thing is the toroids. 19 um 01:39 schrieb George Korper: > Hi, > Thank you all for the toroid tips. Few LC meters, much less cheap handheld ones, will measure capacitance at 1-pf precision. Or if you want a true LCR meter, and can live with a 100kHz maximum measuring frequency, you can buy a DER-EE DE-5000 for about $100. Jan 30, 2013 · Yes, an proper LCR meter is probably a decen way to look at things. Jun 25, 2012 · Vielleicht auch für den TO von Relevanz: Hat jemand mal diese einfachen LC-Meter, welche die Änderung der Resonanzfrequenz eines Schwingkreises durch das zu testende Bauteil messen (AADE-Bausatz & Co. Nov 6, 2013 · In general meters that use dV/dt = I/C (DMMs) or resonance (which I believe is what the AADE meter uses) only work well with caps that are close to ideal, i. Inductors must have a reasonable Q for their value and negligible distributed capacitance for their value. This L/C Meter is quite handy to have on the work bench. Within the Amateure Radio world AADE (Almost All Digital Electronics) and the L/C Meter IIB has earned an almost legendary reputation for being just the piece of equipment the homebrew ameture needs. They fit in your shirt pocket, which makes them particularly handy at a swap meet to check unmarked items, etc Dave W7AQK Mar 15, 2014 · The “LC” meter is also useless for measuring parameters for filter capacitors for building switch mode supplies. Increased cost is due to re-sourcing two parts. The inductor in the LC oscillator, and the LM311, have got to have serious tempcos. Most of the AADE-based LC Meter designs I have seen use a PIC microcontroller. 06 pf is 60 parts per billion. It worked fine, but I believe that he made various improvements after that. Feb 14, 2006 · Re: Why not the LM339 instead of LM311 in AADE LC Meter clon I guess, as per the circuit setup, a L value of 100uH and C value of 1nF will yeild a max freq. Jun 20, 2010 · very nice site can i ask a question about the aade lc meter? larry. LC meter based on AADE design. vy 73 de Peter, DK4BF Am 04. 33 pF. I 've also got an AADE LC meter (our club's Project Day from last spring, a dozen of us built them) and I can also vouch for it. Jan 14, 2018 · At this coming Wednesday HB meeting, I will have available kits for the AADE LC meter. About. 3 PPM drift in one day isn't bad! Incidentally, FR4 has a horrible capacitance TC, in the ballpark of 950 PPM/deg Sesuai dengan pengakuan dari VK3BHR, rangkaian ini dimodifikasi dari LC Meter AADE yang sebelumnya menggunakan PIC 16F84 dan Oscillator LM311, kemudian dimodif untuk memanfaatkan PIC 16F628 namun masih menggunakan LM311, terakhir dimodif kembali tanpa menggunakan LM311, karena keberadaan IC ini digantikan dengan internal comparator (sejenis Op Mar 6, 2010 · Building the AADE LC Meter Filed in Kits on Mar. Mar 4, 2023 · The oscillator design came from AADE’s LC meter page. PIC16F84. 5. 8" TFT Screen. A Free & Open Forum For Electronics Enthusiasts & Professionals BTW, the PIC/AADE type LC meters are Oct 27, 2011 · I agree with your impression that capacitance measurement in mainly useful for design (eg. I've been running into the extremes of my multimeter's capacitance test range, both high and low, and was wondering if anyone had good or bad experience with a capacitance meter. Read on if you are interested in building your own LC meter based on the famous AADE design. The LC meter from AADE comes with factory selected capacitors with 0. It's very accurate and very quick. Well, I recently came across the L/C Model IIB meter made by Almost All Digital Electronics (AADE) and after using it in the lab for a week I am in love! This meter is quite inexpensive and simple, but amazingly accurate and useful. Mar 2, 2015 · Das LC-Meter von AADE, das auch über den Shop der Zeitschrift FUNKAMATEUR erhältlich war, leistet bei mir im Shack unschätzbare Dienste. 01 pF to 10 uF" The morse code version ELSIE Meter Kit (which also has serial port interface, and LED option, and measures frequency), measures even higher L: "Capacitance: ~ 1 pF to ~ 1 uF Inductance: 1 uH to Re: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham radio Stephanie Maks; Re: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham radio Vic K2VCO; Re: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham radio Stephanie Maks; Re: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham radio Tom Hammond; Re: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham radio Alexandra Carter; RE: [Elecraft] AADE LC meter for ham rad Ron D'Eau Claire Nov 1, 2024 · I have three different model LC meters for measuring the capacitance and inductance of parts. I am selling them for about 50% of new price. One thing I noticed as I was going through the parts list is that the design consisted of a pair of 2 capacitors, C2a and C2b, of which the total capacitance is vital to the operation of LCR Meter - 2024 Professional 10KHz LCR Meter Tweezer with 0. The case looks custom cut plastic with engravings; sadly, some of them are wrong and misleading, like the one on the power jack, saying 9V AC where, upon In December/January I had offered a kit that allowed measuring varactors on the AADE LC meter. [To compose the Franclin oscillator and MPU ] A certain Eastern Europian electronics engineer found this idea in along 1990’s. Mar 27, 2017 · AADE LC Meter: AT26 Crystal Capacitance Fixture Crystals (or resonators) in AT26 packages have vanishingly small capacitances, so I conjured a little fixture for my AADE L/C Meter IIB (*) that holds them securely under little fingers snipped from an EMI shield: Mar 22, 2021 · A basic digital multimeter (DMM) is usually the first measurement tool the aspiring electronics tinkerer buys. Here is a link: The LC Meter typically creates freq. From the odd test frequencies I am guessing it is a clone of the AADE LC IIB meter: I bought an LC meter kit from AADE. It seems to Description: The L/C Meter IIB is a hand-held, digital inductance / capacitance meter with a four digit display, featuring automatic ranging and self-calibration. e. I used it quite a bit while building my K1 and K2, to verify the values of some of the hard-to-read caps, and verify the values of the toroids I wire on T44-6 toroids. They each have their place but the AADE is more suitable for measuring radio L and C. Important note: I don't have the source code to this program, and I have no relationship with AADE or Neil Hecht's estate (besides being a very satisfied customer of his handheld L/C meter). One of the most accurate and widely acclaimed was designed and sold by Neil Hecht and his company AADE (Almost All Digital Electronics). If you are interested, please check out the links below. Jeweils der Col_out und In_plus des LM311 (Pin 7 und 2) im AADE LC-Meter. Contributor; Posts: 22; Country: Mar 4, 2005 · If you intend to use a PIC as uC to measure the frequency from the LM311 oscillator, chose the TMR1 to count pulses. cheers, Graham ve3gtc toggle quoted message Show quoted text Sep 13, 2010 · All, I just wanted to share with you my personal experience with this handy handy tool. ufc ccoktro evbwr nrele xxcd emisao txey cdvpfnf qcpysioo fhxpto